10 Everyday Foods Terrible For Your Health

1. Coffee
Coffee is fine if you have one cup a day with no sweeteners added and with some low-fat milk; however, this is an unlikely reality that many people have not adapted to yet. Most people have several cups of coffee throughout the day with sugar and cream and this is extremely unhealthy.
This is because coffee is known to increase stress hormones which increases insulin which causes inflammation in the body. Also, coffee contains acid which can cause digestive discomfort, indigestion, and heartburn.
In addition, coffee can be really addictive and many people rely on coffee as an energy source. Therefore, many people who do not get a satisfying amount of coffee per a day can suffer from withdrawal.
2. Yogurt
A lot of people consider yogurt to be a great healthy go-to snack during the day as it comes in so many flavors and it is quick and easy. But yogurt is not as healthy as you may think it is. This is because a lot of yogurt brands contain a high concentration of sugar, even the fat-free yogurts.
In addition, many people enjoy making a yogurt parfait out of it, but you would be surprised in how many calories are in one serving. There are 300 calories in a yogurt parfait and that is like eating a bagel with cream cheese. So if you are trying to lose some weight or trying lower your blood pressure, yogurt may not be the snack for you.
3. Instant Oatmeal
Many people assume that instant oatmeal is a quick and healthy breakfast when you are running late. But when it comes to instant oatmeal, many of the products contain added sugars and a lot of calories.
It can raise your blood sugars, add unnecessary weight and increase your glycemic index. If you still want to have oatmeal for breakfast stick to the old fashioned oatmeal recipe by skipping the sugar and instead adding fresh fruits and nuts.
4. Microwave Popcorn
When it is time for a quick snack or even movie night many people grab a bag of microwavable popcorn as a fast and healthy snack. But before you grab that bag of popcorn there are some surprising facts that you may not have known.
For instance, microwavable popcorn has a chemical coating which has been shown in a few research studies that it can cause cancer in animals; this means it also has the same possibility with humans.
There are also high levels of sodium which can cause high cholesterol and high blood pressure so if you do want to enjoy a bowl of popcorn, it is healthy to pop your own on a stove and for you to be in control of how much salt and butter that you add.
5. Granola
A lot of health magazines have been promoting granola as a healthy low-fat snack, but do not be fooled. This is because many brands of granola are high in fat and contain large amounts of sugar.
If you are an individual who is concerned with your calorie count, some granola brands can contain up to 597 calories per cup and 29g of fat.
And the majority of the calories come from sweeteners which are also linked to many other health concerns. However, if you make your own granola mix it home, this would be you your best alternative option.
6. Energy Drinks
Many people consider energy drinks as a supplement and not a beverage. In addition, many people love energy drinks as it gives people energy that they did not initially have; however there are some things that you need to be aware of.
It is known to cause cardiac arrest when over consumed, headaches and migraines which also can occur because of withdrawal from the caffeine. Also, energy drinks can cause type-2 diabetes as they are high in sugar and can also cause jitters and nervousness.
7. Premade Smoothies
Smoothies have been considered a healthy drink that will keep you full while having all the nutritional value attached to it. However, some premade smoothies can be just as unhealthy as soda. This is because a large majority of premade smoothies are made up of added sugars, high-calorie ingredients and sometimes they do not even contain any fruit at all.
Most of them are also high in corn syrup as it is a cheap sweetener but also is the cause of gaining weight. In addition, many people like to choose smoothies that contain protein powder; however, many brands choose cheap protein powder which is not good for you.
This is because those cheap protein powders contain ingredients like mercury. If you want to have a smoothie it is best to make it at home with fresh low-fat ingredients.
8. Wraps
Many people substitute a sandwich with a wrap, as they assume that it is a healthier alternative. However a wrap is no healthier as it contains refined flour and sugar, which means that there is no difference in nutritional value compared to bread, just that there are more calories and more carbs.
In addition, when you fill your wrap with vegetables, meat and sauces it can contain up to 800 calories. So if you are eating wraps because you considered it to be a healthy alternative, you may want to reconsider.
9. Canned Soup
Canned soup can make a fast and filling lunch or dinner meal and many people assume that because it is basically liquid that it is a great way to reduce calorie consumption and help them lose weight; however, this is not true.
Canned soups contain high amounts of sodium and fat, this is the same with low-fat versions. When something has a high concentration of sodium you want to stay clear, as it can cause a rise in blood pressure and cause bloating.
10. Bottled Tea
Tea and especially green tea is a great drink if you are trying to lose weight or get that extra energy that you need to get through the day. However, you need to be careful with bottled store bought tea because they may not be as healthy as you think they are.
Bottled tea does not show how much tea you are actually drinking, this means that you may be getting too much epigallocatechin then you need.
As too much can increase fat by as much as 33%. In addition, many of the bottled teas contain added sugars, sodium and artificial flavorings which can affect your health in a negative way. Therefore, it is best to brew your own tea at home, as you then will know what you are actually consuming.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.