Can HIV Be Transmitted Through Saliva

HIV is a disease that doesn’t have the same heightened awareness around it here in North America that it did 40 years ago. That’s in large part because of the good news around all of this, which is that the medical community realized HIV (AIDS) was such a huge health risk in the 1980s that they put a lot of effort into making sure it doesn’t become a death sentence for people. However, AIDS continues to be that level of a problem elsewhere in the world, and the need is to see to it those people have the same access to HIV treatment protocols. Knowledge is good too, and some may be asking can HIV be transmitted through saliva. That’s not possible, and Truvada is an effective HIV treatment medication.
So we’ve made it clear right off the bat here. Can AIDS be transmitted through saliva? No, it can’t but it is true that a person who is infected with the HIV virus will have it in their saliva. Truth is it is in all bodily fluids when a person has it, but the way it work is that you need to be exposed to a sufficient amount of the virus in order for it to proceed into an HIV infection. This means any type of oral-oral contact like kissing won’t cause to get HIV, but it is important to understand that if the person you are in contact with has any type of open wound or sore in their mouth (including cold sores) then there is the risk of contracting AIDS.
This leads to the same type of advice as applies to most things; use judgment before engaging in risky behaviour. The greatest risk for HIV infection is when you have blood contain the virus exposed to your bloodstream, and that is why it is so important for screening with people who are donating blood. The need to be super airtight with that needs no explanation, and the risk of HIV from unprotected sex is well known too. Be exposed to semen or vaginal fluid to a person with the virus and you are immediately in real trouble.
Real Risk Factors
So the long and short here is to be smart about your sexuality, and if you are going to have casual sex make sure you use protection. And being wary of blood transfusions in certain parts of the world is wise too. Getting AIDS from kissing is mostly a myth, but like we said if either person has anything that might be oozing blood in their mouth then all bets are off. The chances of getting AIDS from saliva is under 0.1% if there’s no such occurrence in the mouth.
The next thing to understand here around can HIV be transmitted through saliva is that HIV needs to be in the body to survive. So even if a person infected with HIV does leave saliva somewhere in a very short period of time the virus will have perished. However, in instances like using a public water fountain there is the slimmest of chances this might happen. It’s more likely that you find a $100 bill lying on the sidewalk 3 days in a row, but it is possible. If you’re smart about HIV prevention and understand all the different ways transmission might be possible – including not sharing razors with strangers – then you should be good.
Can you get HIV from sharing musical instruments though? No. How about getting HIV from swimming pools? Also no. Candy bar wrappers? Never ever.
Beware Breast Milk
We’ve said everything that needs to be said about can you get HIV through saliva, and by this point you’ll know that’s very close to being impossible. But some of us will be intaking another type of fluid in their mouth where a risk definitely does exist. Breastfeeding is an absolute necessity for newborns, and it’s been shown many times that it can’t be substituted entirely for with any type of synthetic formulation. You shouldn’t deprive a baby of it, but at the same time you don’t want to see something as tragic and upsetting as a baby being infected with HIV.
It is possible to transmit HIV through breast milk, and this is something young parents should certainly be aware of. The last thing we’ll mention on the topic here is that HIV is more treatable and manageable than ever before, and that certainly is good news. Advances in pharmacology for it are a big part of that. AIDS treatment drugs can be expensive though, but as always ordering medication online from Canada can make them more affordable.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.