How Food Affects Your Emotions

Food is more powerful than many people give it credit for. In many research studies, food has been connected to one's emotions and can affect your mental health in many different ways.
This is because the food that you eat influences your body's metabolism, hormones and activates a mood chemical in your brain.
For that reason if you consider what you are putting in your body you can influence your body with regards to how you want to feel. For example, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are all things that you want to include into your diet. This is because all these good things can make sure that you stay positive and happy.
Likewise, there are some foods that contain sugar, caffeine; fats that can make you feel horrible which in many cases make it hard to go through the day with a smile.
So what foods should you eat to make sure you are feeling good all the time?
Mood Boosting Foods
1. Greens
You want to make sure you are eating a lot of greens; especially, the vegetables that have a dark green color. This is because they contain a rich source of vitamin C and magnesium; which is then turned into serotonin and dopamine which make you feel calm, happy, energized and less stressed.
2. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds have a great source of omega-3s, zinc, iron and healthy fats. The most powerful nuts and seeds that you can consume include: pumpkin seeds, almonds and cashew nuts as they are known to maintain a balanced mood, give you energy and reduce anxiety.
3. Dark Chocolate
Many people say that chocolate makes them happy; there may be some truth to this statement. This is because there is a chemical found in dark chocolate called anandamide which is a chemical that blocks off feelings of pain, depression and sadness.
For that a reason, it has an amazing effect with regards of enhancing your good emotions and making you feel happy.
4. Protein
The substance tryptophan is found in the majority of protein foods. This includes lamb, beef, chicken, turkey etc. This substance helps keep blood sugar levels low which helps give you energy and boosts your mood in a positive way.
5. Berries
Most berries contain an antioxidant aid called anthocyanins, many vitamins, and phytonutrients. All these compounds help with reducing stress levels, boost mood, make you more alert and help with increasing memory.
6. Vitamin B
A lack of vitamin B has shown to be connected with people having a bad mood. Likewise, if you get enough vitamin B it has shown to increase energy and enhancing good moods. Vitamin B is also in a lot of foods which makes it easy to include in a lot of your meals.
For instance:Â pork, milk, eggs, bananas and much more.
7. Fish
Fish has a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and is also high in docosahexaenoic acid. Both these compounds enhance good mood, happiness, and pleasure.
Wild fish like salmon and trout are known to have the best source of omega-3 fatty acids and high in docosahexaenoic acid. In addition to making you feel good fish also comes with health benefits too.
For example, reducing inflammation in the joints and muscles that may be caused by certain illnesses or injury.
8. Bananas
Bananas contain vitamin B, tryptophan, iron, magnesium, potassium, a natural probiotic, high in fiber and regulates blood sugar; making this fruit extremely powerful. This is because it soothes your nervous system, enhances good moods, and gives you a lot of energy.
9. Coffee
With the right moderation, coffee can have an amazing effect on your emotions. As research studies suggests coffee has an effect on the neurotransmitter which is related to controlling the part of the brain that affects mood.
As a result, coffee can enhance good mood and give you a boost of energy. Therefore, if you limit yourself to a cup of morning coffee you can enjoy the benefits that come with it.
10. Alcohol
Just like coffee if you consume alcohol in small amounts it can affect your mood in a positive way. For instance, it can reduce stress levels and lower blood sugars. However, it is important to understand that the effect of alcohol really depends on the individual.
There Needs to Be a Balance
Even though you are eating all the foods that are considered to be healthy and also has a positive effect on your mood and behavior; there still needs to be a balance of nutrition and exercise.
Exercise alone is known to improve your mood by releasing endorphins in your body. Therefore, when you combine high-quality foods and exercise together you can imagine how it can work wonders for your physical and mental health in a positive way.
Mood Busting Foods
1. Sugar
Sugar is known to have many negative effects like increased blood sugars, cavities, diabetes and weight gain. However, sugar can have a much more negative impact than what people assume.
For instance, studies have shown how sugar can create insulin and leptin resistance, cause chronic inflammation, and weaken the immune system. In addition, it is known to make depression and anxiety symptoms worse.
2. Gluten
Gluten is found in grains which can cause some people to become physically ill; therefore, having to convert to non-gluten diet. However, in recent studies gluten has been recently connected to effecting on emotions and moods.
A recent study was done where a group of people cut out gluten from their diet for 2 week and then went back to their normal diet, and the results were amazing.
It was found that when they included gluten into their diet that they felt anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, and migraines. For that reason, gluten can affect your emotions in a negative way.
3. Processed Foods
Processed foods have a long list of ingredients that you would want to avoid.
For instance: sugar, gluten, trans fats, artificial colors and much more. Therefore, processed foods can cause you to feel tired, moody and also increase anxiety levels.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.