Facts About Bipolar Disorder Treatment and Medication

Moving side to side is what you need to do well on a skateboard, but you better not start wobbling if you’re going downhill. Control is needed, but only Mother Nature has control of the winds that blow from west to east across the globe. The earth has 2 primary jet streams and when they wobble that’s when we get extreme temperature swings. These swings may mean you don’t know whether to take a jacket or not, but that’s nothing in the way of a problem like having to go through the wild mood swings that come with bipolar disorder. Latuda is an excellent bipolar disorder treatment medication.
The term used is bipolar episodes for the times when those affected are either overly upbeat and positive or overly down and depressed. There’s more to it than that, and one thing that is important to know is that bipolar disorder treatment needs to be very personalized because people experience it very personally and often very much in their own way. One of the unfortunate realities is that episodes often involve mood swings that can occur by the hour and not over the course of days. This means it is extremely difficult for people affected as well as their immediate family members.
It can also create difficulty focusing at work or school, and obviously it can really put a strain on personal relationships. Given the fact that bipolar disorders usually onsets in a person’s mid-20s that’s an awful time to be saddled with this type of mental health disorder when you’re wanting to establish all aspects of your life. It’s for this reason that an effective bipolar depression treatment regimen is established by working with your doctor and taking bipolar meds as necessary.
Being bipolar is different than being depressed, and that’s a part of what we’ll look at here along with more on medications for bipolar disorder treatment.
Round and Round
The intense emotional states of bipolar disorder are going to be one of the three types: hypomanic (way too up), or depressive (way too down). Another one of the facts about bipolar disorder is that the hypomanic episodes can also make the person extremely irritable. There are things that irritate or annoy everyone, but one of the things that people need to remember if they’re around a bipolar person is there may not be any logic or reason to what’s bugging them so much, and they can’t control it.
The problem is that many of these people tend to go between these states quite quickly and it makes it harder on them and on the people around them. The manic episode is also known as being Bipolar I, and one of the more self-harmful aspects of it is that the person often starts depriving themselves of sleep because they feel hyper energized and that keeps them up late at night. One of the things that may be smart here with bipolar disorder treatment is to reduce sugar in the diet, as obviously white sugar is extremely stimulating.
And if you ever need proof of that see any young child who’s been allowed to have a second can of soda.
But enough about that. Other Bipolar I symptoms include:
- Increased or faster speech
- Uncontrollable racing thoughts or inability to stay on topic when speaking
- Being easily distracted
- Restlessness and overactivity
- Increasingly risky behavior
Bipolar disorder treatment meds may not relieve these symptoms entirely, but most people find they do dull them quite a bit and it helps to live a more normal life.
Other Side
Bipolar II is going to be the reason that many people connect being bipolar with having depression. That’s because this the opposite of Bipolar I – instead of being very up, you’re very down and this is the one episode that unfortunately tends to last longer. Difficulty concentrating is at is absolute worst when you’re in a depressive episode, but it may be possible to eat for a better brain as a way of making this part of it less pronounced and more tolerable.
This of course would be supplementing the use of bipolar disorder treatment medication but using additional self-therapy approaches works well for bipolar disorder in the same way it does for depression. Other Bipolar II symptoms include:
- Extreme sadness or feelings of despair
- Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed
- Worthlessness feelings or guilt
- Fatigue
- Hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
- Appetite loss
- Thoughts of self-harm
The last thing we’ll add regarding bipolar disorder treatment is that is imperative that the person have a strong family and / or friends support network where they know they can turn to these people if they are having an extreme episode of either type.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.