Acne Wrecker – Differin Gel with Retinol

It would be a challenge to find anyone who can honestly say that they didn’t get ‘zits’ when they were a teenager. And you must remember washing your face as feverishly as possible every night and going to bed with pimple cream dotted across your cheeks. For some people that works well enough, but for others they need something more powerful to get rid of acne and that’s where Differin gel is a real champ. One thing that you’ll hear about this medicated acne cream is that it’s an especially good choice for people who have large pores.
We’ll explain what makes Differin gel so good for treating acne, but first we’ll highlight an interesting feature about it which is the Clear 90 is an app that you can get from the App Store or Google Play Store. Clear90 lets you track your skin’s progress, while using Differin gel, and determine if this effective acne medications is getting you the clearer skin results that you’re after. It’s kind of cool how technology is seemingly in everything. P.S. – downloading this app will also get you some product discounts.
What makes a good acne medication even more important is the fact that acne is nearly impossible to avoid for people who are prone to getting it. The name for the oil that causes clogged pores is sebum, and when you’re in your youth your body produces an excess of androgen hormones to prompt the sebaceous glands in the skin to kick sebum production into overdrive. This isn’t the only cause of acne, but it’s definitely the main one for most people when they’re at that age.
Differin gel really does a great job at getting rid of acne though, and it couldn’t be any easier when it comes to how to use Differin gel. We’ll look at that here, but before we do, we’ll share some other information about acne that you might not have been aware of.
Can Start Young – Really Young!
It’s natural that most people will think of teenagers when on the subject of acne, but did you know that even newborns can get acne? It’s true, and one of the 2 kinds of acne that infants can get is actually quite common. That’s neonatal acne, and apparently 1 in every 5 babies will experience it. The good news is that it’s usually not too serious, goes away quickly, and doesn’t lead to scarring or increase the chances that the person will have bad acne later in their life.
Infantile acne is different, and it occurs in infants between3 and 6 months old. Infantile acne is rare, but it can cause permanent scarring. Obviously, it’s going to be a lot more difficult to see that happen to a baby than it would an older person who has scarring from an acne, but the good news here is related to the huge advances made in laser technology for skin treatments. Anyone of any age can have acne scars reduced by laser therapy.
What’s best is to begin a medicated acne treatment as soon as you start getting acne. So that you don’t have those scars to begin with when you’re older and won’t need to be looking into reducing acne scars. Therefore, a product like Differin gel is such a good choice – it’s as effective as Rx medicated acne creams but it’s a more easily absorbed acne gel that you do NOT need a prescription to buy. You’ll find it on the shelf at most pharmacies or health stores.
Expand on Your Approach
The best way to clear acne is to use a product like Differin Gel either with or without an Rx acne medication PLUS being smarter about your skincare when it comes to acne prevention. One of the things that is most important to understand that you can make your acne worse by cleaning or exfoliating your skin TOO much. You don’t want to remove ALL of the natural oils from your skin and exfoliating facial skin can be too harsh to do often.
A good guideline is to use a sebum-reducing cleanser no more than twice a day, and to exfoliate facial skin 2x a week at most. Pairing this regimen with use of Differin gel will likely be what works best in getting rid of your problematic acne.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.