List of Mood Disorders and How to Promote Normal Mood

Overcast days are unavoidable, and for a lot of people so are the proverbial clouds above their heads when they’re irritable, grouchy, or whatever else it may be. As nearly everyone will know, dependent on external factors, a person’s mood can become something that’s not of their choosing. That’s especially true for people who suffer from mood disorders. Many times, their cloud is entirely beyond their control, and it’s important to remember there’s more than a few types of mood disorders too. Helps to understand too that they’re not always related to being depressed either, so mood stabilizers like Wellbutrin XL can help.
A good and timely example of this at this time of the year is seasonal affective disorder, and if you live in certain parts of the country it’s even darker with less sunshine than the lack everyone else is experiencing. Of all mood disorders, this one may have the best acronym of all – SAD – and seasonal affective disorder tends to affect men and women equally once the winter months approach and we switch back to standard time from daylight savings. When it’s night at 4:30pm may be depressing, but seasonal affective disorder isn’t depression itself.
Wellbutrin XL works well for treating SAD, and there are other mood disorders medications that will be best suited to treating other ones. One thing that is always true with mood disorders is that the patients who see the greatest decline in their health because of the disorder are the ones who aren’t proactive in their own treatment. Mood stabilizers are usually very helpful, but it’s a situation where you shouldn’t be relying exclusively on medication to get you back to better mental health. Vitamin D2 supplementation also helps with SAD for example.
We’re going to look more at mood disorders and some of the medications that are pharma-tailored to most effectively treating them. Then we’ll wrap up by sharing some of the things we know about what you can do to overcome mood disorders more effectively and promote a normal mood.
Types of Mood Disorders
We’ve mentioned depression twice already, and both times saying that mood disorders aren’t always depression. But major depressive disorder – being depressed for a long period of time – does qualify as one. And it often comes in at the top of the list for people who are struggling to deal with it because there is a connection between major depressive order and addiction. It is unfortunate, but people have been self medicating with substances that numb the pain and feeling of worthlessness which often come with depression.
Wellbutrin XL may be the physician’s choice for depression treatment medication in these cases, but often for chronic and crippling depression on its own the best medication is the standard for depression treatment – Prozac.
Next, we have premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which is far and away more commonly known as PMS. Premenstrual syndrome is something that’s extremely well known to women and the men in their lives, although at least both can take solace in the fact it’s only 1 week of 4 in a month that women aren’t themselves because of temporary hormonal imbalances.
Bipolar disorder is another of the many mood disorders that are increasingly common. Quite often these people will have it develop into manic depression which is where the person is all ‘peaks and valleys’ – in the best of moods one moment, and then in the worst of them the next. In that way it may be the most perplexing of all mood disorders and the one that is most difficult to make sense of, but it is what it is.
People with cyclothymic disorder will have similar mood disorder symptoms as those who are bipolar, but they tend to be less pronounced and there is less in the way of drastic ups and downs. Tegretol is an excellent mood disorders treatment medication here, and it’s part of the reason why people who are cyclothymic have been treatment results than those who are bipolar. BPD is borderline personality disorder and it is one that can share some of the same symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Be Proactive for Best Treatment Results
Mood disorders can be very disruptive for a person’s life, and there may be additional factors that contribute to their unwellness. Medication can be a lifesaver for people with the way it balances out the brain and makes any of these conditions more manageable, but there are other choices the individual can make too that will improve their outcomes in treatment. Good ideas include:
- Counselling provided by mental health care professionals as needed / available
- Regular aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week
- Social support with regular and varied interaction with friends and doing different activities
- Bright light therapy for people struggling with seasonal affective disorder
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.