How to Protect Your Skin & Prevent Pigment Disorders

There’s nothing better for the appearance of your skin than being young. If there was an actual Fountain of Youth many people would pay anything to be able to soak in it for cosmetic reasons just as much as they’d want to for more energy and vitality. Our skin is the largest organ on our body and it’s the one that’s most visibly on display, and it’s the skin that often takes the worst of the ravages of time too. When it comes to naturally healthy and radiant looking skin, you really bad best enjoy it while you’re young. Skin pigmentation disorders can be the result of not caring for your skin as you get older.
Even the whitest of Caucasian people still have some melanin in their skin. They may be white as rice, as the expression goes, but if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have any colour to their hair, eyes or eyebrows. That’s exactly what’s the scenario with people who have albinism, the first of the skin pigmentation disorders we’ll mention here. Albinos are among people who should practice sun protection in order to protect their compromised skin and other tissues.
The primary reason everyone should practice sun hygiene is because too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, and considering that sometimes UVA / UVB rays are stronger on cloudy days even people who are blessed with plenty of natural melanin can still get a sunburn. Many of the skin pigmentation disorders have at last some of their roots in too much sun exposure, and that’s why sunscreen, shade, and avoiding the noon day sun in the summer is so important.
Common Skin Pigmentation Disorders
Albinism is genetic and that means you are born with it, but other skin pigmentation disorders are directly related to choices people make. Melasma is another one that is related to skin exposure although in some cases the sun only makes the existing condition worse. Women who use birth control medication may find that it makes them develop these same dark skin patches and the problem is intensified if they’ve been suntanning extensively too.
Melasma can occur when a woman is pregnant too, and both these causes have their roots in hormonal changes. Lustra is a medication that works to lighten dark patches on skin, and that’s exactly the fix that people suffering from melasma will be looking for. Some people say that natural approaches can help with the effectiveness of these treatments, and ellagic acid is one of the natural supplements that gets a lot of hype here.
So, if you’re all about anthocyanidins because you love blackberries and cherries, continue to eat as many darkly colored fruits and vegetables as you can to protect your skin from discoloration caused by skin pigmentation disorders. Certainly, a tasty way to help keep your skin in the best of health.
Vitiligo is the next most common skin pigmentation disorder and this one is particularly troubling for people because of the white patches on the skin which it causes are very noticeable and they can occur anywhere on the body. Autoimmune and neurochemical factors are most prominent in causing vitiligo, but there is also a connection between high stress levels and developing vitiligo. Upping your vitamin B12 levels can help counter vitiligo if you’re starting to get it, but your doctor will be able to advise you best.
Treatment for Skin Pigmentation Problems
The white skin patches that come with vitiligo are very sensitive to the sun, although UV light therapy is one of the ways that vitiligo can be treated. People with any skin pigmentation disorder will do well to cover up their skin on sunny days, but if they do want to enjoy the sun like everyone else does it will be important to use a high SPF sunscreen. For people with melasma a prescription cream containing hydroquinone and tretinoin (vitamin A acid gel) may work to lighten dark patches on the skin.
Tranexamic acid can also be a treatment for certain skin pigmentation disorders, but it is one that should be approved by a doctor before you begin on this this type of treatment. It may not be suitable for some skin types. Laser therapy for skin pigmentation disorders is an option as well, as these lasers are used as treatment for skin pigmentation problems. They resurface the upper layers of the skin as well as stimulate the development of collagen.
We started this talking about how youth is the absolute best ingredient for good looking skin, and when it comes to collagen you have progressively less and less of it as you get older. If laser therapy can replenish your supply of it and help with minimizing skin pigmentation disorders, then that is definitely a good thing.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.