Symptoms and Solutions for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

In a perfect world, digestion would be an automatic and effortless process for everyone. From eating all the way down to bowel movement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some people with digestive problems. Inflammatory bowel disease makes it tough for people causing pain and other unpleasantries. Blood in the stool can be one of the many discomforts associated with IBD, but that doesn’t always indicate a diseased bowel. When bleeding is caused by IBD or ulcerative proctitis it tends to be red. So, when should I be concerned about blood in my stool?
This certainly isn’t a sunny topic to talk about, but everyone needs to be mindful of their health. Good health includes good digestive function and proper waste elimination. Dark red blood is usually an indication that there is something wrong farther up the system and usually the upper digestive tract. The rectum is the last stop along the line, and ulcerative proctitis is when the rectum becomes extremely inflamed. Bleeding located in this region will be evident when you use the toilet.
Canasa suppositories are used treat ulcerative proctitis, and it’s good that so many people get a least some degree of relief from pain. It’s perfectly natural to be apprehensive about inserting one the first time. But it’s no big thing and for most people with proctitis, they will gladly do it if that means relief from ulcerative proctitis discomfort and pain.
We will look at this condition in greater detail and share some diet tips that can help make it much less tormenting for people to continue eating for nourishment (and pleasure) just like the rest of us.
Unpredictable Affliction
It’s more likely that those asking when should I be concerned about in my stools will be seeing it for the first time, or they’ve never seen that quantity of it before. The guideline we pointed out above with light blood or dark blood is good information to have. But it should be said that if you are seeing a lot of red, then it will be best to see a doctor. That is especially true if you’re seeing darker colored blood, and it should also be that way if there is a lot of pain along with it.
Ulcerative colitis is more inflammation of the colon, while ulcerative proctitis is when that same type of over-inflammation is occurring in the rectum. Neither is better than the other in any way, but with ulcerative colitis, the condition is fairly consistent in intensity. That’s not the case with ulcerative proctitis, as it tends to have episodes that are way more severe and unfortunately there’s no way to predict when you’re in a for a bad spell. There are differences between IBD and IBS and that’s relative to what we’re discussing here too.
Many people have later onset lactose intolerance, and it’s been stated many times that the only mammals on earth that continues to drink milk after infancy are humans. That’s neither here nor ther with what we’re talking about, but if there is an allergy, then the body’s reaction to the trigger is felt prominently in this region. And it can make ulcerative proctitis worse. Using Canasa suppositories can help and Asacol is a prescription proctitis drug. If you have the condition you should be more mindful of what you eat and drink, which leads us to those diet tips we promised earlier.
Ulcerative Proctitis Diet Tips
So, when should I be concerned about blood in my stool? We’ve explained it may not be a cause for immediate concern but knowing how to change your lifestyle and diet to aid healing is important. Getting relief from all the gastro nastiness that comes with this disease is definitely going to be a priority for people, and while using Canasa suppositories or Asacol can be very helpful it’s also smart to change your eating and drinking habits.
Try to eat more of foods that are:
- Rich in fiber like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits
- Rich in iron like liver and Brussel sprouts
Try to eat less (or none at all ideally) of foods that are:
- High in caffeine and sugar (terrible for diarrhea)
- High in fat
You also should limit alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks. It’s unfortunate to have this sort of digestive ailment but individuals who do have it will benefit if they’re proactive about their health and follow what their doctor states as the best course of long-term treatment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.