What is the Best Medication for Crohn’s Disease and Colitis?

There’s one certain area of your body that is very colloquially referred to as your ‘nether regions’ and – without going into too much detail – both are on the front and back of you below your hips and the top of your legs. The nether regions can also refer to the underworld in mythological contexts, but we won’t go any further than that. When all is not well with the backside one of them then it may be related to digestive system disorders like Crohn’s and Colitis. You can’t stop digestion from happening, so if it causes you distress then you’ll want to know what is the best medication for Crohn’s disease?
Pentasa is always a good choice, and it also a good one for what medication is used for colitis. It is prescribed for both conditions, and the reason it can be effective is that both have their roots in inflammation of the bowel and along the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammation can go from a smoldering ember to a full inferno right quickly when the conditions are right, and it’s the same physiological malfunction that makes people suffer from diabetes too. One connection we can make right off the bat is in the same way sugar is terrible for a diabetic, too much sweet stuff can make Crohn’s worse too.
That will be truer for some people than others. If you need to know what the best medication for Crohn’s disease is then you’re already at the point where you need to take a whole-spectrum approach to managing your condition. Many people find the pain and burning that go along with incomplete digestion to be debilitating, and we can all relate to how having to find a toilet with the absolute highest degree of urgency must be awful. Unfortunately, severe and sudden onset diarrhea is a part of these conditions too.
A deeper look at what is the best medication for Crohn’s disease is what we’ll do with this entry, along with talking about what people with either of these diseases can do to enhance the results they get from their medication. As you might expect, diet choices and avoiding your trigger foods will be a big part of that. And the easiest improvement you can make is to simply get more water in you every day.
Flare Fighter
Crohn’s disease is one that comes and goes in as far as how it is experienced by people. If only that involved a lot more going and a whole less coming. Preferably none at all. But regrettably that is not how it works. There are no cures for Crohn’s or Colitis, but you can manage them so that the flares occur a) less frequently, and b) are not as severe when they do occur. Meeting both of those aims is the criteria for what is the best medication for Crohn’s disease, and Pentasa makes the grade.
How does Pentasa work so well? It’s simple, the medication is an anti-inflammatory formulated to block the effects of histamines that cause the inflammation of Crohn’s disease. Histamines aren’t bad – in fact they’re essential for effective immune system function – but in this instance they are what’s signaling cells in the digestive tract, colon, and rectum. They are from the same family of signaling hormones that cause people with hay fever to get red, itchy eyes and an incessantly runny nose. Same immune system false alarm, but obviously people with Crohn’s and Colitis have it worse. Quite a bit worse really.
The medication is also formulated with a prolonged-release function, and that is also a part of suggesting Pentasa for what is the best medication for Crohn’s disease. This means that the anti-inflammatory effects are spread evenly along all of the GI tract. Keep in mind that technically the gastrointestinal tract runs all the way from your mouth to the terminus that is the other ‘nether region’ we discussed at the beginning here.
Prevention Plus
Anything from the stomach on downwards is exclusively focused on digestion, and the only thing that’s going to be digested all through there is food. Foods aren’t going to be the reason that you have Crohn’s flare up or Colitis flare ups, but some of them can make these flare ups worse because they irritate the tissue of intestinal walls as well as those of the colon. This has nothing to do with what is the best medication for Crohn’s disease, but better diet choices for gastrointestinal diseases are something to be aware of.
Here are foods you should avoid during a flare up:
- Spicy foods
- Beans
- Whole grains
- High-fiber fruits and vegetables
- Nuts and Seeds
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Alcohol and Caffeine
- Dairy
- Greasy and fatty foods
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.