Does Milk Make Acid Reflux Subside

The nature and consistency of milk give it many protective properties, and even though it’s entirely different from water we suppose it would work well enough to put out a fire if you decided to pour milk all over one. That’s not likely to happen, and neither is facing a fire with nothing else to put it out asides what would otherwise be poured on your cereal or added to your coffee. What is more likely to happen is to have a fire in your esophagus that needs to be extinguished, and what we’re talking about is acid reflux medicine. Dexilant works very well, while milk only provides a little bit of relief from acid reflux.
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So does milk help acid reflux? The basic answer is yes, but it seems that it’s only partially effective for taking the edge off the burning as digestive acid comes back out of the stomach and up the south end of the esophagus. Everyone knows that one of the primary minerals in milk is calcium, and the calcium in milk is in a form that can neutralize acids. Neutralizing acids is the same way OTC acid reflux medicines like Gaviscon and other work too, but any of them will do it more thoroughly than just milk will.
So the long and short of it is that milk can take the place of an acid reflux medicine if you’re in a bind and can’t get your hands on any Gaviscon or a prescription antacid medication like Dexilant. In much the same way you could put of a grease fire in your kitchen with milk if for some reason water from the sink wasn’t accessible. But in all seriousness don’t put a grease fire with milk as apparently it can create a fireball.
For people who get acid reflux regularly nothing is a laughing matter, and it’s true that some people are born with a genetic predisposition to have gastrointestinal problems like this. But there are ways to reduce the severity of acid reflux, and if OTC meds don’t cut it then something stronger and available with an Rx will likely provide these people with the relief they need and – to a lesser extent – more of the freedom to eat the foods they love. Even if those foods really tend to do a number on their tummy.
A discussion of acid reflux medicine likely isn’t going to be what most people would consider engaging, but if you’re still reading and this is something that is relevant to you then let’s continue. We’ll also look at acid reflux foods to avoid and more on what is generally best when it comes to overcoming acid reflux.
Sphincter Malfunction
The Sphinx is easily the biggest celebrity feline in North Africa, even if he’s lost his nose sometime in the last century. The sphincter may have the same 3-letter prefix, but it’s not nearly as well known and not even 1/ 100 000th of the size of the big cat at Giza. Instead, your esophageal sphincter is the valve that allows food and drink to enter the stomach – but not exit back to the esophagus it came from.
If the sphincter is working properly, it’s a 1-way only type of operation. When it doesn’t work properly and the 1-way function becomes any which way function, that’s when you’re going to need acid reflux medication. If having stomach acid coming back up the pipe occurs regularly then you will have what’s known as GERD (gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disease) and your use of acid reflux medication is going to be an ongoing necessity. Prevacid is another good choice that works in much the same way that Dexilant does for treating acid reflux.
Acid Reflux Foods to Avoid
Acid reflux medication works well and it can be relied on to get rid of heartburn or acid reflux, but for most sufferers they will do well to also avoid foods that cause acid reflux. Some of them are worse than others, and some people may find there are ones that seem to be particularly bad for just them. If you’re the person who needs to take an OTC antacid regularly and it’s not working well enough for you then you are probably eating foots that trigger acid reflux. Some of these OTC antacids can cause diarrhea too.
And again, does milk help acid reflux? It does, but it won’t do much to stop it on its own. A prescription acid reflux medication is needed along with these acid reflux foods to avoid. Or at the very least eating them much more in moderation.
- High fat foods
- Fried foods
- Garlic, onion, and spicy foods
- Chocolate
- Carbonated beverages
- Caffeine
- Mint
- Dairy for people who have any degree of lactose intolerance
And one thing that might be surprisingly good to help reduce acid reflux and the need for acid reflux medication? Black licorice.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.